Museum Artifacts: (1) Dexter sharpener, 1920s; (2) Dexter No. 2 sharpeners, 1930s; (1) Dexter No. 3 sharpener, 1940s
Made By: Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co. / Spengler-Loomis MFG Co., 58 E. Washington St., Chicago, IL [Downtown/The Loop]. Factory: 2415 Kishwaukee Street, Rockford, IL.
These three lovely APSCO Dexters were donated to the museum by patron Ken Matejka. Many thanks!
You can read our complete history of the Automatic Pencil Sharpener Company here.
Archived Reader Comments:
“I have a Dexter # 3 made by this company that I just bought at an antique store for next to nothing. It still works and works well. I am impressed. Not surprised though. Very happy to have it and thank you for giving me an idea of how old it is. When you’re an artist, you need a pencil sharpener that’s reliable after all. And it may’s well be decorative too.” —Caroline A. Sargent, 2017
i have a Dexter #2 in very good condition. Thanks grand-dad! Is there any value to it beside sentimental? Cordially, M
I have a Dexter no 1 is it worth anything?
I just picked up a Dexter No. 3 at a flea market in Colorado. All it needed was two small replacement screws to be in perfect working condition. A few high strength niodimium magnets allow me to “ hang it” from a steel file cabinet. What would Mr. Spengler have thought of that?
I have a Dexter with a patent of 1900 and was wondering what it was worth?
I have a Dexter Super 10 Apsico Products Inc. Pencil Sharpener, but the turn handle is missing. Are replacement parts available anywhere?
I have a Dexter style Apsco pencil sharpener from a public school. It is missing its shavings catcher. Would you happen to know where I could locate one? I was just about to start my search when I happened across your article and was eager to read more. The sharpener is heavy, classic and works well with various pencil sizes. Please let me know if you have an idea where parts can be found. Thank you for the article.