Museum Artifact: Bear Brand Hosiery Box – Women’s Hose 103 Biscayne, c. 1920s
Made By: Bear Brand Hosiery Company (formerly Paramount Knitting Co.), 337 W. Madison St., Chicago, IL [Multiple Factories – Including Kankakee, IL]
Research is underway on this one and a full write-up will be coming soon.
My great grandfather was Henry Pope (grandmother was Margaret Pope – the one who got polio & who the brace was invented for) and I came across this as I was digging around for family history. The only memorabilia I have is a small framed advertisement for Bear Brand Hosiery
I worked at Bear Brand Hosiery in Chicago. My job was to separate the carbon paper from the green lined computer paper. It was my second job and I was 16 years old. It was 1969 and I remember wearing pantyhose for the first time.
If you have any vintage Paramount Knitting Company or Bear Brand Hosiery boxes, socks, post cards, photographs, advertisement, marketing material, please contact me at Check out our Facebook Page at
I found a Super Soft (TM) Bear Brand box of Pantyhose in a San Carlos, CA, thrift store. Looks to be high quality compared to the hose I remember from the 1980s. I’m glad I don’t have to wear pantyhose anymore. Never opened. I’ll be selling them on eBay. I wish I could post a picture here. It’s a very retro but also kind of generic-looking package.
While going through my parents items, I found a Bear Brand Hosiey box (in extra fine condition). It once contained 6 pair “Royal Canadian” Asst’d size 10 1/2. The picture on the box is a bear standing over a box of hosiery with labled “BEAR BRAND HOSIERY WEARS”. On the bottom of the box is a stamp with “569G236” on it. What can anyone tell me about the contents and/or date it was used? Thank you. Ted Kadlecek, Rocky Ford, CO 81067
While cleaning out our parents home I came across a
Bear Brand Hosiery walking Bear card, The legs move…..Can anyone tell me anything about this?
I found a yellow post card size with 5 brown bear punch outs, indicating Daddy Bear and 4 small bears. Bottom left of card, 1937 Bear Brand Hosiery Co.
On opposite side of card, an interesting statement, “Boys and girls would be gay Wear BEAR BRAND HOSE for school or play!
Good condition! Anyone interested in purchasing this card?
I just found a lid from a “Bear Brand Hosiery Wears” box, and wondered if the company is still
in business.