Do-Ray Lamp Co., est. 1916

Do-Ray Lamp Company history

Museum Artifact: Tiger-Ey No. 100-0 Plastic Truck Reflector, c. 1950s

Made by: Do-Ray Lamp Company, 1458 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL [South Loop]

Research is underway on this one and a full write-up will be coming soon.

12 thoughts on “Do-Ray Lamp Co., est. 1916

  1. I would love to find out what year my Do Ray Lamps were made. I have the original boxes with the following numbers:

    They came from the factory with GE 4415-A bulbs
    Beautifully made product!

  2. I have a 2 tone “whistle” made by the DoRay Lamp Co. It is activated by pulling and releasing a lever that I assume is attached to a bellows which returns to a central postion; the inhale produces a steam whistle like tone, as does the exhale. The stroke is approximately .5 inches. I would like to know more about the device; it’s purpose, date of manufacture, current value, etc. It is stamped with “Patent Applied For”

  3. I have DO-RAY Flip Up Flap; No. 995.

    Sored in a heavy duty steel & brass three section box.
    I think it was used on Illinois Central Rail Road, steam engine 80 or 90 years ago.

    Can you tell me something about their use. My Grand Father was a train engineer early 1900’s.

  4. My Father worked for the company for 50 years . I know they made lights for the Railroads and far as I know it was the first and only job he had when he came to Chicago

  5. I have an amber glass lens cover. It has DoRay printed on the front and on the rim is printed DoRay lamp co Chicago Ill. Any idea how old it is?

  6. I have a small, conical shaped Do-Ray lamp lens marked BL 25 DC. It’s a beautiful deep red color. Is it possible to research the history of this nice lens?

  7. The outer steel ring that holds the plastic refelector was supplied from 1956-73 by Hennessy Steel Corporation, located near 36th street and Kedzie avenue. Strip width was critical to ring quality which was stamped in a “closed” die.

    1. Just bought a set of old 5’’ DO-RAY fog lights on ebay…intact. The lenses are old but are (maybe) not original. The lenses are old (GE) General Electric in the centre of them. They are on their way to me here in Tasmania to go on my 1941 ford pickup. I intend on fitting them out with LED bulbs.

      1. responding to item #2 above: the device is described as a “Woo-Hoo” whistle and was made as an additional appliance for a drummer/percussionist, an added humorous sound effect…….see Vintagedrumguide,com

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