Parisian Novelty Co., est. 1898

parisian novelty company history

Museum Artifact: Celluloid Pocket Mirrors, c. 1920s

Made By: Parisian Novelty Company, 3510 S. Western Ave., Chicago, IL [McKinley Park]

Research is underway on this one and a full write-up will be coming soon.

5 thoughts on “Parisian Novelty Co., est. 1898

  1. Looking for some information on a vintage seamstress tape marked parisian novelty Co chicsgo IL, pat 7-10-17,11-4-19
    Orange ask for a crush . Daye in particular and hopefully a value

  2. There is an episode of “Wild Chicago,” ca. 1984 or so, in which they visit the Parisian Novelty Company and interview workers there. The CEO at the time makes an appearance and relates how the company was founded by his grandfather (or great-grandfather?).

  3. I have a letter opener with a patent date of 2-16-1915, Parisian Novelty Co. with Joseph Abrams and the Chicago address on it on one side of the handle with Maxwell Sroge, in script, on the other side of the celluloid handle. It also has on the knife blade, it is marked Pairisian Nov. Co. Ch. So does that mean they made their own knife blades. I’m also interested in their blades and who might have made them.

  4. I have a two-blade pocket knife with plastic or celluloid handles. A souvenir of Fort Ord, CA.
    It is printed “PAT. 2-16-15” on the handles along it’s spine. Someone suggested it may be a Parisian product.
    Wondering if you have any info as to what knife makers supplied Parisian, or anything about their knives. Thanks

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