Museum Artifact: Bit-O-Honey Candy Display Box, c. 1940s
Made by: Schutter Candy Company (Schutter-Johnson Candy Co.), 1013 N. Cicero Ave. [West Humboldt Park]
Research is underway on this one and a full write-up will be coming soon.
Museum Artifact: Bit-O-Honey Candy Display Box, c. 1940s
Made by: Schutter Candy Company (Schutter-Johnson Candy Co.), 1013 N. Cicero Ave. [West Humboldt Park]
Research is underway on this one and a full write-up will be coming soon.
Does anyone have a list of employees of the factory?
My grandfather, Jens Hansen, a Danish immigrant worked there when it was on Augustana.
I have a 1930’s candy wrapper I found buried this week, says, Magic Circus with a picture of a circus wagon, a 1 cent 1/2 (not less than) ounce candy. If you moisten the middle of the wagon, which is barren, an animal appears. When I moistened it, a tiger appeared and says Tiger. This wrapper has a poem on it (first ever poem on a candy wrapper?) The poem says, ” India’s the home of this beautiful cat, It will attack a native ere you can say scat. . It’s more fierce and cruel than a lion we’re told, and its zebra-like stripes are a joy to behold” Then below, “What Animal Is It?…moisten Circus Wagon for the Answer” Its complete, slightly stained in places, but was buried for at least 90 years below part of my old mercantile dry goods store.
George please contact me about George M. Schutter for a newspaper inquiry.
Hi Christy,
What newspaper inquiry can I help you with?
My Grandfather, George Schutter, designed, created and patented much of the machines used to automate the production of the various candy products. My father, also named George, worked in the factory as a boy, starting as a almond roaster in the ovens, in summertime Chicago. My Grandfather paid my Dad less than anyone else in a similar role so that no one could say he got special treatment. Sadly, my Grandfather had a falling out with his brothers while my Dad was away fighting WWII. He sold his share of the company to his brothers before the end of the war.
My grandmother was a Schutter from Mount Clements Michigan. There were candy makers in previous generations. I’ve been looking for information for many years.
Bob Schutter lived in Kennilworth, IL with his wife Elizabeth. He was born in Appleton, WI, along with his sister Gertrude. Gertrude was my great grandmother.
Bob was a real estate investor and started the candy company in 1935 in Chicago. He passed in 1976. I’m not sure if his other sibling was in MI.
Correction, Schutter started in 1914 and Johnson joined in1935
I rem driving by this bldg in the 1960s and seeing the name in stone above the entrance.
I was going through old family photos and came across a pic of Schutter Candy Co bowling league dated April 5 1944. I believe my grandmother Claire Jean Hicks in in the photo. Could this be verified. Thanks Randy Hicks